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Kasia's Advent Calendar 2020
About Kasia's Advent Calendar
Get yourself ready - introduction video. (11:09)
Facebook Group
Day 1
Day 1 - Wasting time (5:07)
Day 2
Day 2 - Put yourself in the way of beauty (5:38)
Day 3
Day 3 - Do what you can, where you are, with what you have (3:54)
Day 4
Day 4 - Art is freedom (4:56)
Day 5
Day 5 - Fill your cup (2:24)
Day 6
Day 6 - Don't complain (3:26)
Day 7
Day 7 - Create your comfort zone (3:22)
Day 8
Day 8 - Bring some colour (2:56)
Day 9
Day 9 - Connection (5:26)
Day 10
Day 10 - Light & shadows (5:17)
Day 11
Day 11 - One line a day (3:26)
Day 12
Day 12 - Small success (3:39)
Day 13
Day 13 - My passion (4:50)
Day 14
Day 14 - The next seven days (8:43)
Day 11 - One line a day
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